Which EMC standards apply to my Product?

For most projects, selecting the right test method is the first step. There are various standards and directives which determine how a new product needs to be tested.

When it comes to EMC standards and directives, there are many overlapping regulations. A switch, for example, which is installed in a car is generally subject to other test specifications, than a switch installed on a train.

This is where we come into play by offering support and consulting. We know which standard or directive applies to your product regarding its relevant area of application. And we develop a reliable EMC test concept—always based on the respective standard, directive, or manufacturer’s specification.

Within the scope of our test planning in compliance with the German EMC Law (EMVG), we first assess whether a product needs to fulfil the technical requirements of a specific standard or the legal requirements of a specific directive. Subsequently, we develop the following steps in close cooperation with our clients.

For many companies, the high variety of standards and directives can be a little overwhelming at first. We will help you to choose the appropriate test specifications.“

Norbert Sprang
Head of Acquisition

No Surprises

Thanks to 25 years of experience and the expertise gained in hundreds of projects, our staff is very efficient. More importantly, they are quick in detecting the causes of malfunctions and incompatibilities of the test specimen. Besides, they support our clients in developing solutions which meet the legal and the manufacturer-specific demands and take into account the requirements of the market and economic viability.

Our staff members know the current requirements of all directives and standards inside out—and this is absolutely vital considering that they are becoming increasingly more complex. For example, what used to be a simple light switch, nowadays is a radio switch.

Due to our broad and active participation in panels, technical committees, and several research projects, our staff members are always up to date with the most recent scientific and technological developments.

Our clients’ benefit? No surprises at the final inspection provided by our laboratory.

We are certified according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Due to our rigorous internal quality management and regular third-party audits, such as the German national accreditation body (DAkkS) or the German Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Network Agency / BNetzA), we ensure that our technology works correctly, that we use adequate methods and that we are truly independent at all times.


Verena Goldbach

electromagnetic compatibility

Emil-Figge-Str. 76
44227 Dortmund

Tel.: +49 231 99967 850
Fax: +49 231 99967 855